Freelance researcher, data scientist, passionate traveler
High School: Liceo Scientifico G. Marinelli, Codroipo (UD), Italy
Degree in civil and environmental Engineering, University of Udine, Italy, 2007
Final project entitled: "Geothermal technologies for buildings heating and air conditioning"
Thesis written in Italian
Master in environmental Engineering, University of Udine, Italy, 2009
Master Thesis entitled: "A GIS-based methodology to estimate risk caused by a volcanic event in Tenerife, Spain", Thesis written in Italian (see link in Donwloads)
PhD in Environmental Engineering, Universitat Politecnica de Cataluña, 2015
Thesis entitled: "Modeling strategies for volcanic ash dispersal and management of impacts on civil aviation", Thesis written in English,(see link in Downloads), PhD Supervisor Dr. Arnau Folch
November 2014: Courses attended at ICTP (International Center for Theoretical Physics), Trieste. “Developer School for HPC applications in Earth Sciences and “Symposium on HPC and Data-Intensive Applications in Earth Sciences”. Organized by ICTP, Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS), Partnership for Advanced Computer in Europe (PRACE), and CINECA (
June 2014: International HPC summer school: HPC challenges in computational sciences, organized by PRACE and XSEDE, 1-6 June 2014, Budapest (Hungary).
March 2013: Short course “Introduction to parallel computing” organized by Nemoh Marie Curie Training Network at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center.
December 2013: Participation to the course for writing European Projects for the Horizon2020 European program, organized by Barcelona Supercomputing Center.
Participation to the Infodays organized by CDTI (Centro Para el Desarrollo tecnologico y Industrial) about the FET program and the Transportation program of Horizon2020.
March 2012: course “Fluid Dynamics” held by Jeremy Phillips (University of Bristol). Seminar “Volcanic activity in Iceland” held by Kate T. Smith (University of Edimburgh). Seminar “Short-term risk mitigation strategy associated with volcanic eruption of Puyehue–Cordón Caulle” held by Mauro Rosi (University of Pisa). Events organized by the Earth Sciences Department of UNIGE.
Mayo 2011: Participation to the module “Volcanic Risk” of the Master training CERG 2011, organized by UNIGE Earth Sciences department. Participation to the field trip in Vulcano island, Eolie, Italy.
October 2010: Ist IUGG-WMO Workshop “Ash dispersal forecast and civil aviation”, organized by: University of Geneva, BSC, WMO (Aeronautical Meteorology Division) and British Geological Survey, Geneva.
November 2010: “Primer taller de la red iberoamericana para el monitoreo y modelización de cenizas y aerosoles volcanicos y uso de Titan 2D”, INETER (Instituto Nicaraguense de Estudios Territoriales), Managua, Nicaragua.
Communication, marketing and sales techniques (organized by ENAIP, Italy)
March 2009: Seminary “Introduction and application of the mental maps”, organized by ENAIP, Udine.
March-April 2008: Post-graduate course “Team working and communication in business”, ENAIP, ESF.
January 2007: Course “Marketing and tourism promotion”, organized byTurismo Fvg.
Finantial and fraud risk (internal training at American Express, Spain)
November 2008-March 2009: Post graduate course “Environment Evaluation and sustainable territorial Planning”, organized by the Italian Organization for Professional Formation (ENAIP) and financed by ESF (European Social Fund).
June 2008: Course “Risk Evaluation in agriculture”, organized by Public University of Navarra, Pamplona.
September-December 2006: Course “Introduction to sustainable development and international cooperation”, given by UOC (University Online Cataluña) with Engineers without borders Cataluña
September-December 2008: Autocad 2D course, ENAIP, ESF