Freelance researcher, data scientist, passionate traveler
This video describes life as a researcher. It has been done produced for the project #VidasdeCiencia, founded by FECYT (Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología) and directed by Guillermo Martí Bastarrica and Teguayco Pinto Cejas.

The video is published in youtube (, together with other 7 videos that constitute the project. Thanks to the Barcelona Supercomputing Center communciation office (and in particular to Gemma Ribas) and to all the people that collaborated to this project and made it possible.
Life as a researcher is about learning, traveling and... yes, hard work! However, work is combined with very enriching experiences and allows satisfying your own curiosity. In addition, you can meet people similar to you and share great moments!
One of my best experiences was a summer school held in Vulcano Island (Italy), and organized by University of Geneva and CERG ( I learnt many different things and met true friends! And Stromboli and Etna volcanoes are truly amazing! Thanks to all the organizers and in particular Costanza Bonadonna for making this summer school unique.

Stromboli volcano from the top

Explorers :)

Friendship and boat trip at Eolie

Stromboli volcano from the top