Freelance researcher, data scientist, passionate traveler
TedX Madrid
Participation to TEDx Madrid, September 2014. The main topic was "Verdarero o Falso" (True or False). Link of the event:
Mariano Vazquez (BSC), expert in this field (; gave a talk about the role of supercomputing in medical research.

TEDx enabled also some informal discussion groups, proposed by participants before the event. I proposed a discussion group about "Verdad y mentira en la ciencia" (Truth and Lie in science). Mariano Vazquez participated to the debate, and through a game we simulated the decision-making process and the uncertainties related to it.

Tedx Madrid unrooms: discussion on true and lies in science

Tedx Madrid unrooms: discussion on true and lies in science, the group

Tedx Madrid unrooms: discussion on true and lies in science, game and discussion
Participating to TEDx was absolutely inspiring and I hope I can join this event again in the future.
VidasdeCiencia Project
Video produced for the project #VidasdeCiencia, founded by FECYT (Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología) and directed by Guillermo Martí Bastarrica and Teguayco Pinto Cejas:
Science, it's a girl thing!
Participation to the European Commission 'DG Research and Innovation campaign “Women in Research and Innovation” (“Science, it's a girl thing!”),
PRACE Women in HPC group
Member of the PRACE Women in HPC group, (cover detail)

La Vanguardia special issue
Interview to “La Vanguardia” newspaper, published on 9th November 2014 in a special issue on the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (page detail) published on 9th November 2014 (

Your PhD Thesis in 3 minutes
Video presented to the competition: “Your PhD thesis in 3 minutes”:
Facebook FALL3D page
Administrator of the Facebook page of FALL3D software: